For more than a century, these new initiatives have been effectively suppressed by powerful interests tragically blocking any public awarenesss or support for fulfilling this promise.”
~ Dr. Brian O’Leary, Former NASA Test Pilot and Founder of New Energy Movement.
In the field of Energy Science, there have been far too many stories, there have been far too many murders, there are far too many loose ends to continue to ignore. It is breaking our Science, and it is breaking our Earth. The suppression of energy science needs to end, for good of humanity, and even to secure humanity's survival. It can be done. It must be done.
As written in a report on the subject by Gary Vesperman:
Inventors, in their zeal to improve the well-being of their fellow inhabitants of Planet Earth face such perils as poverty, slander, ridicule, and neglect. Inventors of energy devices sometimes have also been bullied by large energy-related corporations and their allies in the United States Government who seek to maintain their energy slavery of the people by aggressively suppressing development of energy inventions. The illegal as well as legal tactics of these suppression actions have encompassed imprisonment on false charges, IRS harassment, burglaries, bribery with huge sums of money, and even murder, if the inventor was too stubborn to heed warnings or undeterred by lesser actions.
~ History Of 'New Energy' Invention Suppression Cases, by Gary Vesperman
It is a sad fact that the suppression of energy science finds its roots in distant antiquity. Indeed, the story from Greek Mythology of Zeus punishing Prometheus for giving humans fire echoes of this age-old oppression.
A Strategy Of Slander
The report written by Gary Vesperman includes detailled accounts of the following injustices, not just against the victims, but against all of us:
Energy Invention Suppression Case Statistics Number of Energy Invention Suppression Incidents:
· Number of Energy Invention Suppression Incidents – 95
· Number of Dead, Missing, or Injured Energy Inventors, Activists, and Associates – 20
· Number of Energy Inventors and Associates Threatened with Death – 32
· 5 : Number of Energy Researchers and Associates Imprisoned or Falsely Charged
· 59: Number of Incidents of Energy Invention Suppression by the United States Government, Patent Office, Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Marshals, Army, Air Force, Navy, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, Defense Intelligence Agency, S.W.A.T. Teams, National Security Agency, U.S. Postal Service, Department of Energy, Department of State, Securities and Exchange Commission, Food and Drug Administration, Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Internal Revenue Service, Rural Electrification Administration, White House, Consumer Product Safety Commission, Small Business Administration, and Canada’s Royal Canadian Mounted Police· 5000: Number of Inventions Classified Secret by U.S. Patent Office .
· 9: Number of Incidents Involving Oil Companies Names of Companies, Banks, State Agencies, Private Groups, and Universities Involved with Energy Invention Suppression – Standard Oil, Zapata Petroleum, Atlantic Richfield, Exxon-Mobile, Shell Oil Company, General Electric Company, Yakuza, California Air Resources Board, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Wells Fargo Bank, Ford Motor Company, General Motors Corporation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Queen of England, Kollmorgan, World Bank, Rockefellers, Carlyle Group, and Bush Family .~ History Of 'New Energy' Invention & Suppression Cases, by Gary Vesperman
No other school of scientific study even remotely approaches the level of corruption in Energy Science, and something has to be done.
The history of suppression & discredation of Energy Science researchers is nearly as vast as energy inventors:
Academic Suppression of Electrodynamics:
Oliver Heaviside,
The true first pioneer of electricity responsible for the wave function and first international telegraph wire, whom was written out of history and removed from all textbooks, allegedly due to his sharp tongue, which was usually aimed at criticizing the academic establishment.
Charles Proteus Steinmetz,
The father of electrical engineering & the electric grid, was written out of history and removed from all textbooks, allegedly due to his 'socialist' political views.
Nikola Tesla,
'The Man Who invented The 20th Century', was, after the Wardencliffe Incident, excluded from all academic and corporate business, and written out of history and removed from most textbooks, in contempt for his attempted creation of a wireless free energy grid.
John Hutchison,
Who is the father of new energy & antigravity, had his residential Canadian laboratory seized by the FBI, and all of his research was destroyed, more than once.
Eric Dollard
Whose laboratory was seized by the park service on whose land he was operating at Government request, to avoid broadcast legislation, and all his research was destroyed, more than once.
Wilhelm Reich
Who was jailed in an FDA injunction against his work for what was deemed scientific heresy, who died of unknown causes several days before his parole.
Suppression of Low-Energy Nuclear Science (L.E.N.R.):
Nobel Laureate Julian Schwinger
Who resigned from the American Physical Society over refusal to publish his L.E.N.R. papers.
Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons
Who were ridiculed and left the country, and were allegedly threatened.
Andrea Rossi
Who was arrested for fraud in relation to his energy catalyzer, despite International Atomic Energy Agency (I.A.E.A.) scientific review & confirmation of actual overunity, albeit significantly short of the promised targets, the proof-of-concept was indeed successful. He’s not the most credible person in the LENR field, but he’s worth a mention.
Bob Greenyer
Who has been discredited and defamed despite his commitment to professionalism and data.
Eugene Mallove
A professor of science journalism who blew the whistle on a cover-up was murdered in his childhood home the day before scheduled to present a working free-energy device.
Dan Winter
Whom has an arrest warrant and injunction against all his work in the United States, he was bankrupted and had to flee the country, and his website was seized by authorities. He is the (admittedly nebulous & whymsical) proprietor of and the associated 'Theraphi', a cold-plasma technology, which does seem to be gaining traction in the food industry.
Suppression of Water-Fuel Sciences
John Kanzius
An American developed a technology to ignite water under the influence of intense radio waves, the records of which remain publically available, including video footage.
Yull Brown
Creator of Brown’s gas utilized in the latter-designed EPGs. This has been repeatedly lab-verified.
Stanley Meyer
Died yelling “they poisoned me” while meeting with investors, according to family members.
Daniel Dingel
From the Philippines, since 1969 has converted more than 100 gasoline cars to be powered by hydrogen derived ON DEMAND from plain water.
Thank you for the likes, folks!
Without freedom science becomes a deadly weapon. Once you censor one side of any argument it becomes easy to prove anything you want. Safe and effective being a prime example.